paperwork — Blog | Home Organisation-The Organised You


Introducing 'Making Your Paper Work'

Introducing 'Making Your Paper Work'

Today I am beyond excited to finally (finally!) be releasing my brand new program - 'Making Your Paper Work: Tame your Paper Clutter With Confidence'. As of today, and for the next two weeks only, enrolment is open for this live 8-week online program.

Making Your Paper Work is the complete A-Z plan for getting your paperwork organised and under control, by creating effective systems that allow you to be more productive, and achieve a greater sense of calm and order in your home.

This program is a *can't miss* opportunity if:

  • You're ready to ditch the overwhelm and stress related to paperwork, and get your papers into organised, working systems
  • You'd love a clear process and step-by-step plan for sorting your paperwork - you want to know how and where to start when it comes to getting your paper organised so you can feel more in control, rather than letting your fear and anxiety around paperwork control you
  • You want a less cluttered home, that makes you feel more calm and happy
  • You want to have greater levels of productivity, energy and quality time in your already busy life

5 Simple Tricks to Tame The Paper Clutter

5 Simple Tricks to Tame The Paper Clutter

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the growing mountain of paperwork in your home, and not having enough time to deal with it?

Does it feel harder and harder to actually get through all your paper-related tasks, especially when you have so many other things on your plate?

If you are sick and tired of paper clutter taking over your home, what you need are some effective strategies for dealing with the clutter once and for all. These 5 simple tricks will put you back in control of your paperwork, and help you feel more calm and stress-free - you know you want that!

17 of the greatest tools to get your paper clutter under control

17 of the greatest tools to get your paper clutter under control

Are you desperate to get your paperwork organised and under control, but feel unsure about which products will actually be of any help?

Have you ever purchased products before, only to be disappointed that your paperwork still felt out of control?

While there are no 'miracle' products out there, there definitely are ones that will save you so much time, energy and effort when it comes to your paperwork organisation. It all comes down to how you actually use them and the types of paperwork systems you have in place.

So, with my big focus on this topic of late, in the lead up to the release of my new paperwork program, today I'm sharing a list of the 17 greatest tools for paperwork organisation, so you can feel in control when it comes to dealing with your paperwork, and reduce the stress, worry and frustration around this task. Let's dive in!

How to overcome your fear of throwing paperwork away {Q & A}

How to overcome your fear of throwing paperwork away {Q & A}

Do you have anxiety, worry or fear around which paperwork you should be holding onto, and which is safe to get rid of? 

Does it make you feel stressed to go through your archival papers, or paper backlog, because you're not sure where to start in terms of throwing things out? Or how long you should be keeping certain documents?

One of the main reasons a lot of people don’t have their files organised is because they actually don’t know which papers they should be keeping, and for how long. Therefore, they hold onto everything 'just in case' they need to refer back to it, resulting in stuffed-to-the-brim filing cabinets, or completely disorganised systems. 

What's your 'paper personality'?

What's your 'paper personality'?

If you've ever said to yourself...

"I know I'm not dealing with my household paperwork in the right way, and that I could do it better, but how do I go about making changes?"

Today's post is for you.

Even if you feel overwhelmed about taking those first steps, or keep saying to yourself 'I'll get around to organising it one day', please keep reading.

Because there’s little point trying to change your habits around dealing with paperwork without first identifying how you currently deal with it. You can then learn the right strategies to make shifts in the right direction, which will be the basis to your long-term success!

5 Simple steps to creating a school memory box

5 Simple steps to creating a school memory box

I imagine all the mamas of school-aged kids would be nodding their heads in agreement when I say the amount of work that comes home from your child's school-life can be a little overwhelming! But it's also difficult to actually decide what to keep, and what to get rid of, when it comes to your child's wonderful creations.

When my 6 year old son (who has just started school this year) comes home with a new certificate, piece of writing, drawing, or painting, I feel incredibly proud of him, and he is so proud of himself. And that is something to be celebrated in life, right?! Which is why we have an art display in both our kids' rooms, and a cork-board for their certificates and awards.

However, I also knew that with each new keepsake that entered our home, I really needed to create some sort of streamlined system for sorting and storing it all. Something that would keep the paper piles at bay, while preserving the special memories, report cards, work, and achievements collected throughout the school years.

And that is how I decided that a School Memory Box was a must in our home! It's a system that I am already loving - both for the ease of setting it up, and maintaining it...  as long as you keep the word 'streamlined' in mind!