
How to set up a super-organised wardrobe

How to set up a super-organised wardrobe

I recently shared with your our new master bedroom and the nice big empty space we had awaiting us for a new walk-in wardrobe. Well, me being me, I just couldn't wait any longer to get it set up! It was driving me nuts having to go up and down the stairs to our old bedroom every time I needed something to wear... which happens more than you think #firstworldproblems. Sick of my whinging, hubby bit the bullet one night and got to work.

How I set up 2 new bedrooms in just 3 days

How I set up 2 new bedrooms in just 3 days

When we moved into our newly renovated house, after 7 months living with my parents while the build was in progress, one of the first areas I wanted to get organised and ready were the kids' bedrooms. I knew that moving was enough of an upheaval and uncertain time for them, so I really wanted them to feel settled and happy in our new home from the get-go. Today I'm sharing how I set up both their bedrooms - decluttered, organised and decorated - over the course of 3 days...

How a closet system can help you organise your child's wardrobe

How a closet system can help you organise your child's wardrobe

Earlier in the week, I shared the makeover we gave to my son's bedroom, including new paint, curtains, new bed and a furniture reconfiguration. But another area that we gave a mini-makeover to was our son's wardrobe. I love starting with a blank canvas, and thinking about what worked well in it's previous state, and what needs to be changed to make it function more effectively. A great closet system that suits your child's abilities and needs can really help foster independence, and keep things neat and organised. 

How to do a room makeover without breaking the bank

How to do a room makeover without breaking the bank

Taking on a DIY project or entire room makeover can often be a daunting process when you start adding up the cost of all the different things you'd like to include. However, a makeover doesn't have to cost a fortune, and with the right planning, and repurposing, rearranging, repainting and using clever storage solutions, you can breathe whole new life into a space. Here's how we achieved it with our son's bedroom makeover...

8 lessons we learned from our daughter's bedroom makeover

8 lessons we learned from our daughter's bedroom makeover

My goodness, it has been a long road with our daughter's bedroom makeover! I feel like I have been sharing sneak peeks of this project on Instagram forever, but we are finally at the stage of calling it done, and I'm excited to share the whole makeover with you this week. Today is a look at the fairly epic road to a finished makeover, including a video of the construction phase, and the important lessons we learned during this massive project.

The power of a furniture swap

The power of a furniture swap

Have you ever done a furniture swap in your house and found that it brought a whole new feeling to a room? Or gave you added benefits like extra storage, more floor space or could just be put to better use in a new room? We did a furniture swap a few months ago with 2 chest of drawers and it really brought new life to both rooms. In my video on our organised kids' wardrobes, I mentioned that we were going to swap our chest of drawers with our daughter's, in preparation for her room makeover. We did just that a few weeks later, which I revealed in our bedroom makeover, but going into full detail on the power of a furniture swap today!