2016 part 1

6 of my biggest organisation struggles - and how I've overcome them

6 of my biggest organisation struggles - and how I've overcome them


While organising definitely comes more naturally to some people than others, that doesn't mean it doesn't involve struggles and hard work. In fact, being able to recognise when something isn't working and taking the necessary steps to fix it, or working on changing a personal habit, is an important step in the whole organising game. Today I'm sharing my 6 biggest organisation struggles and how I've overcome them (or am still working on them!). Can you relate to any?

7 tips for a [relatively!] stress-free kid's party

7 tips for a [relatively!] stress-free kid's party


Do you like organising kids' parties? I know some people absolutely love it, but I have to admit I'm not one of them. That creativity gene skipped a generation in our family, so I am definitely not the person whipping up an amazing birthday cake or creating gorgeous decorations. I admire those that can! However, with our son's 5 year old birthday that we celebrated this past weekend, one thing I think I did manage a lot better than other parties we've hosted, was a more simple and stress-free approach to organising it. It was a lovely, [relatively] relaxed and fun day for the kids and for us, which I think is the sign of a successful party! Here are my 7 tips to help you achieve the same for your child's party...

The step-by-step guide to organising your food storage containers

The step-by-step guide to organising your food storage containers

Earlier in the week, I shared 15 ideas for organising your food storage containers. Today I'm sharing a video of how I organised a client's kitchen cupboard that contained her plastics collection. The main problem with her original set-up was that, because the containers were on a shelf in the cupboard as opposed to a drawer, she couldn't easily find or access what she needed as all the containers and lids were jumbled together. Watch the video to see how I set up a new system for this cupboard so that the food storage containers were in an easy-to-maintain system with everything accessible and organised. 

15 ideas for organising your food storage containers

15 ideas for organising your food storage containers


Are your kitchen cupboards or drawers overflowing with food storage containers and lids that come tumbling out whenever you try to find one? Do you feel frustrated every time you open the door because it takes you forever to find what you need? Do you struggle to locate the matching lid to your storage containers? We've all been there! So, today's post is a round-up of ideas and inspiration to help you get this clutter-prone spot sorted, to save you the frustration of a disorganised container collection and create a system that's easy to maintain.


Renovation progress - part 1

Renovation progress - part 1

Well friends, I figured it was about time that I gave you a renovation progress update - nearly 6 weeks into this project and things are moving at an incredibly quick pace. I love sharing the journey with you all, and hearing your feedback, tips and suggestions. Hope you're ready for photo overload as I show you just what's been going on over at The Organised You central!

The 25 habits of a highly organised person

The 25 habits of a highly organised person

We all know someone in our lives who is super-organised - they never miss a deadline, they are always on top of tasks, they don't seem frazzled by life's unexpected events. So, what can we learn from these people with organised habits? Instead of being envious or thinking you could never be that way, it's important to remember that organised people didn't magically become that way. They have turned a variety of tools and systems in their lives into daily habits, which then allows them to approach their day with greater efficiency, productivity and focus. 

The great news is that it means anyone can become organised! It's just about incorporating 1 or 2 new routines into your week and sticking at them until they become a habit and natural part of your everyday routine. Let's have a look at the 25 habits of a highly organised person.