
How to plan your meals - 2 simple strategies

How to plan your meals - 2 simple strategies

Can you relate to this scenario?

You arrive home from work, or a day out, and both you and the kids are starving. It's getting close to dinner time, and you've been wondering all day what on earth you could make for dinner, but you're not even sure what you have in your fridge. You want and need something quick and easy, but also nutritious and fulfilling.

But as you stare into the empty fridge, you're at a loss at exactly what to make - you are SO not one of those people that can whip up an amazing meal with just 3 ingredients. The stress kicks in, the kids are starting to lose it, you're feeling so tired...

Sound familiar? Wish you had an easier, less stressful approach to your evenings?

The answer, my friend, is meal planning.

The step-by-step guide to organising your food storage containers

The step-by-step guide to organising your food storage containers

Earlier in the week, I shared 15 ideas for organising your food storage containers. Today I'm sharing a video of how I organised a client's kitchen cupboard that contained her plastics collection. The main problem with her original set-up was that, because the containers were on a shelf in the cupboard as opposed to a drawer, she couldn't easily find or access what she needed as all the containers and lids were jumbled together. Watch the video to see how I set up a new system for this cupboard so that the food storage containers were in an easy-to-maintain system with everything accessible and organised. 

15 ideas for organising your food storage containers

15 ideas for organising your food storage containers

Are your kitchen cupboards or drawers overflowing with food storage containers and lids that come tumbling out whenever you try to find one? Do you feel frustrated every time you open the door because it takes you forever to find what you need? Do you struggle to locate the matching lid to your storage containers? We've all been there! So, today's post is a round-up of ideas and inspiration to help you get this clutter-prone spot sorted, to save you the frustration of a disorganised container collection and create a system that's easy to maintain.


How I organise my fridge

How I organise my fridge

This week on the blog has been all about getting the fridge organised, so on today's episode of The Organised You TV, I'm giving you a tour of our organised fridge! It's a funny thing to show off the food inside your fridge, I realised as I was filming just how much dairy our family consumes! :0

In the video I'm showing you which storage containers I use to keep food fresher for longer, the categories I use to organise our food, and my reasoning for where I place different items so they are organised and easily accessible. Have you taken the fridge organising challenge this week? Don't forget to grab your 10-step checklist below, and get some inspiration here before you get started!

How to pack your child's lunch-box (and what to pack in it!)

How to pack your child's lunch-box (and what to pack in it!)

As school and kinder resumes this week on this side of the globe, I've been trying to get my brain back into the zone of routine. Not so easy after 5 weeks of lazy mornings! To make the switch, I'll be back to following my checklist of preparing everything the night before for a less stressful morning. This week on the blog, I also shared my 'plan of attack' for how I'm going to put together healthy lunches for my kinder-aged son. I provided a list of ideas for kids' lunches and snacks (grab your free copy below), which I'm hoping will take the stress out of what to pack each day!

Today's episode of The Organised You TV shows you how I pack my child's lunchbox, the products I use, some tips for being more prepared in the mornings, and how I set up my kitchen in an organised way to make the whole process as painless as possible!

Do you struggle with ideas for your child's lunchbox and snacks?

Do you struggle with ideas for your child's lunchbox and snacks?

I can't really complain too much about having to prepare lunch-boxes, as my son is just starting 4 year-old kinder this year. So I haven't yet experienced the daily task of lunch-box packing that I know many of you are used to. However, I have had to prepare lunches many times for both my children when we've been on outings to the park, zoo, play-dates etc. And it is definitely not my favourite task. Because I'll be making my son's lunch several times a week this year for kinder, I wanted to prepare a bit of a plan so I'm not scrambling in the mornings. Here's what I came up with that may be useful to you too...