Last week I shared 5 things we do the night before to make our mornings stress-free and easier to get out the door on time. I'm back today with 5 more tips - some I've only recently started doing and I'm feeling a lot more organised for it. Sometimes being organised is all about the 'prep work', which may feel like a bit of an effort at the time, but is so helpful in the long run. Nothing worse than feeling stressed and flustered as you're heading out the door!
Car trip entertainment for kids {Quick Tip}
Last week I shared 5 things we do the night before to make our mornings stress-free and easier to get out the door on time. I'm back today with 5 more tips - some I've only recently started doing and I'm feeling a lot more organised for it. Sometimes being organised is all about the 'prep work', which may feel like a bit of an effort at the time, but is so helpful in the long run. Nothing worse than feeling stressed and flustered as you're heading out the door!
5 tips for a stres-free morning
Our year so far has been full of changes and new routines, and therefore more need to get ourselves organised! My husband started a new job a few weeks ago, my nearly-4 year old has started kinder this year, and I am working 1-2 days per week as well as working on the business and taking care of my 21- month old. Things are busy to say the least! We have had to make a few adjustments to our routines in order to make the mornings run smoothly, and so we can get out the door on time.
How to organise your DVD collection
Organising and storing children's artwork
It's been an extremely busy month at our house as my husband has started a new job, my son is settling into 3 year-old kinder, and we are all trying to get used to the new routine. Over the next few weeks, I'm going to post some tips for making the mornings run more smoothly. I am quickly learning that you can never be too organised in this area!
Our organised finance binder
The other day, I shared our household/family binder which I am really happy with, but my organisational goal was to create both a household and finance binder, so I'm pleased to now be checking that one off the list! My husband and I decided late last year that we needed a better system for managing our budget, and tracking our debt repayments and savings. I am in no way a financial expert, but thought I would share with you the new systems we are implementing that will hopefully help us take better control of our finances.