When it comes to decluttering any area of your home, if you're feeling overwhelmed, it's usually best to start with the easiest.
If you don't have a lot of (or any) emotional connection to a particular item or category, it means you'll be able to make quicker and easier decisions about whether to keep or get rid of it.
When we look at decluttering the kitchen, there are a few different categories that are fairly easy to make decisions around, and it shouldn't take any longer than 15 minutes to get them organised.
Today we're starting with one of those 'easy' categories - cutlery and kitchen utensils. These categories are generally where people tend to hold onto far more than they need, or keep extra sets for those ‘just in case’ occasions.
Day 2's video goes through the steps you need to take to declutter effectively, which includes making some quick labels, or printing off the ones from your Workbook (click the button below to download your Workbook if you haven't already).
When it comes to decluttering these items, you're looking to get rid of any that:
* you have too many of, especially when it comes to those utensils you don't use frequently
* you're saving too many of, just in case another one is in use - think realistically about how many you actually need to keep for this scenario
* you barely use
* are broken / tatty / not working effectively
Consider how many sets of cutlery and particular utensils you actually use and need, or which could possibly be stored elsewhere in order to create more storage space in the kitchen. And try to only keep those items that are used regularly and are of good quality.
Today's Action Steps:
- Print out the Decluttering Questions and Decluttering Labels from your Worbook (or create your own)
- Declutter your cutlery and utensils, and consider how you could possibly better organise them within your kitchen for easier access and use
- Any items that you are wanting to donate or sell can be put to the side for now in a box/container, to be taken care of in one hit at the end of the challenge.
Share your Before and After photos in the Facebook Group when you’re done. Good luck!