
Super simple ideas for organising toys

Super simple ideas for organising toys


Getting the toy clutter under control is a daily task that most mothers are probably familiar with. Some days this can be more challenging than others, depending on what activities your kids have been getting stuck into! Setting up great workable systems for keeping toys organised involves several key factors:

  • kids need to be able to easily find what they need
  • they should be able to find toys independently (you're trying to avoid the 'Mum, I can't find my ...' dilemma!)
  • toys should be categorized so everyone know where everything belongs
  • pack-up time should be fairly easy

15 must-follow rules for organising toys

15 must-follow rules for organising toys

Do you sometimes feel as though your child's toys are taking over the house? Do your kids constantly complain about not being able to find the toy they want in amongst the mess? Is pack up time a nightmare because nothing has it's own place? Getting toys sorted and organised into easy-to-follow systems is the best way to prevent toy clutter from building up in your home. Here are 15 must-follow rules for toy organisation, as well as free organising labels to help you get your house back under control!

Decluttering the toys before Christmas

Decluttering the toys before Christmas

If your kids are lucky enough to receive lots of gifts on Christmas Day, in can sometimes be overwhelming to think about how and where you're going to store all these new goodies. Doing a quick sort through and declutter of the toy collection before Christmas will make these decisions a whole lot easier. Not only will you be making space available for the new toys, you'll also be able to donate the older or less-used ones to children who would really appreciate them, especially at this time of year.

A crafting area for kids

A crafting area for kids

If you've got kids, you would know that it is easy for their belongings to quickly take over the house. It can be difficult to corral all the toys, books, dress-ups, art and craft supplies... finding space in the house to store everything can be a real challenge. Of course, we always want our children to know this space is as much theirs as it is ours. We made the decision about a year ago to create a dedicated kid's zone in our kitchen/living area, and it was one of the best things we've done. It's definitely the spot in the house the children use the most - whether it be drawing, writing, eating their snacks or listening to music.