Setting goals for 2015

When I'm on holiday, my mind is always buzzing with great plans for things I want to do, and projects I want to work on around our house. When I get back from holidays, this thought process makes it a whole lot easier to set goals for what I want to achieve throughout the year. Here's a look at how I set goals for my year ahead.

Cleaning and organising usually takes centre stage for me in January, as I try to tweak the systems in our home to make our lives as easy and stress-free as possible. Of course, this list - or lists! - tends to get a bit crazy, as you can see below. I'm definitely the sort of person who likes to get everything done at once! This year I really want to work on slowing down and being happy to achieve one thing at a time.

I decided I needed a plan of attack so I could still achieve the things I wanted to, but at a more practical pace. You may find yourself in a similar boat - starting the New Year off with the best intentions, but then as the regular life resumes, you lose track of what it was you wanted to achieve.

I decided to write down my goals and set myself a bit of an 'organising challenge'. Here's what I came up with:

1. Fridge and freezer re-organise

2. Set up a command center

3. Make family and finance binders

4. Create a cleaning plan

5. Organise the kids' toys (bedrooms and living room)

6. Create a baking binder

7. Revise meal planning and grocery shopping processes

8. Start making homemade cleaning supplies

9. Set up the home office

10. Get the garage in order

This is a pretty mammoth list (although, I've already tackled the fridge and freezer - yahoo!) so I'm giving myself til the end of February to try to get these things done. If I do it any sooner that would be great - and a miracle! - but for me, it's important to set a deadline so I've got something to work towards. And of course I'll be sharing everything here on the blog so you can keep me accountable ;)

I popped the printed goals into a frame as I think having them on display will keep me motivated and on task. I'm going to hang this frame in our family command center, which I'm hoping to make a start on this week. I'll be posting some inspiring command centers tomorrow, that are motivating me to start this next project.

So, who's with me? Try setting yourself up to 5 organising goals and give yourself an achievable timeline to do them in. Just think about how great you'll feel when you get through your to-do list. 

If decluttering your home is on your to-do list
then my online course 'Chaos to Calm' is your answer.
Learn the step-by-step process for tackling the decluttering of any space in your home, and gain confidence with keeping your home organised!
Check it out here >>