Organising with trays

I've been doing a bit of reorganising in the laundry this past month as we just installed a second freezer in there. There was nowhere else to put it, really, so it forced us to rethink this space and do a mini makeover. A few things remained a necessity for my laundry space though. One was to have the washing supplies close at hand to make doing laundry as quick and pain-free as possible. Enter the tray as a wonderful storage solution!

Trays are a fantastic, stylish and simple solution for keeping everything you need close at hand without having to search through cupboards and drawers. Not that getting washing powder out of a cupboard is a huge drama, but I prefer to be able to just grab and go! Plus any short-cut for doing laundry is a win in my books.

I found this tray at a local homewares shop, after quite a bit of searching at my regular haunts. Most trays I found were not quite the right size, or were plastic, which wasn't the look I was going for. This one had a bit of a rustic feel, and works nicely against the wooden bench-top that my husband made - one of his first projects when we first moved into our house 8 years ago!

UPDATE: Get your free cleaning labels for your bottles by clicking on the button below!

On the tray, I have 3 jars with homemade washing powder in the middle, stain removing powder and fabric softener. I keep the washing powder scoop separate so I don't have to fish it out of the jar each time. It sits in a bowl alongside a collection of covered mini-pegs... because they're too cute not to display! I also want to add my pre-wash spray to this tray, but need to find a nice looking spray bottle first. These aren't so easy to come by! 

The tray sits in the corner of our laundry bench, just above the washing machine. We just need to add some artwork above, and the space will be almost complete!

UPDATE: Get your free cleaning labels to attach to jars or bottles by clicking on the button below!

Trays are a fantastic way to corral any supplies you need to keep handy - I use one in the kitchen for the oil, salt & pepper; and one in the bedroom for holding perfume bottles.

Do you use trays to organise your things? Where else could you use a tray in your home to corral frequently-used items that you want to display?