Creating a baking folder {Quick Tip}

Do you enjoy baking? Do you like to use a recipe book or do you prefer to browse the web for ideas? I decided to create a baking folder so that all my recipes would be in one, easy-to-access spot that was completely splatter-proof! A quick and easy project, here's how I did it...

I love to bake, especially with my kids. Now that my daughter is able to stand at the bench too, she is adding her 'special touch' to the cooking sessions - eggshell cookies anyone?

I typically like to bake with the kids once a week if we've got time, so that we have a range of goodies ready for lunchboxes. I freeze batches of muffins, cupcakes or cake in this Tupperware container, with baking paper separating the layers. The container is nice and large, and because it has an air-tight seal, everything stays fresh. Biscuits and slices don't last that long in our house, so they are just kept in the pantry.

I use mostly online recipes, particularly ones from The Organised Housewife, Planning With Kids and They are ideal recipes for cooking with kids as they're not overly complicated and don't use too many ingredients. Although I enjoy finding online recipes, I don't love using the ipad, phone or computer during our cooking sessions, as I find the screen gets too dirty. I also like to plan what we are going to bake for the month when I am meal planning, and knew it would be easier to have the recipe at hand to check the ingredient list, rather than having to search for it online each time.

Luckily, many of these recipes come as printables so I decided to make a baking display book with all of our favourite recipes inside. Totally easy project! First, I purchased one of these binders from Officeworks (similar to the one I used for my Christmas binder), and popped a blackboard label on the front.

This display folder is great because it's not as bulky as a ring binder, but you can still remove the plastic page protectors (by adjusting the folder's spine), and add extra pages if you need them.

I searched for and printed out all the recipes we love, categorising them into 'Muffins', 'Biscuits', 'Cakes & Breads', and 'Balls, Slices & Scones'. I wrote out a quick contents page at the beginning which can easily be added to, and attached some page divider tabs so I could quickly find the section I needed.

And that's it! Little steps to make our baking sessions easier... and splatter-proof pages to boot!